
What makes life meaningful? More to the point, what makes our life meaningful? Without a good answer to that question, we can expend much energy and experience much anxiety as we attempt to live lives of significance, only to find that in the end we missed the point entirely and along the way were deeply dissatisfied. But there is hope.


In Why You Matter, Michael Sherrard shows that life is only meaningful if God exists. He then shows how that fundamental fact provides clarity for some of the most important questions of our lives, including

  • Who am I?

  • How should I treat others?

  • What should I do with my life?

  • How do I make sense of suffering?

 If you have struggled with a sense of self-worth and direction in your life, or if you have a friend, colleague, or family member who is searching for meaning in a world of suffering, chaos, and uncertainty, Why You Matter will give you confidence that your life matters—but maybe not for the reasons you think.

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What People Are Saying

“For years I’ve been saying that young believers need ‘two whys for every what.’ It’s not enough to explain what the Bible says, we need to explain why it’s true and why it matters. In Why You Matter, Mike Sherrard tackles the second why question with biblical accuracy and wisdom. What makes life meaningful? Why does God matter? How can we find joy in our identity? How can we love our enemies and endure hardship? If you’re looking for answers to these incredibly timely questions, Why You Matter may just may be the most important book you’ll read this year.”

J. Warner Wallace, Dateline featured cold-case detective, senior fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and author of Cold-Case Christianity and So the Next Generation Will Know

“As our culture becomes increasingly secular, more and more people are searching for meaning in all the wrong places—often with tragic outcomes for both mental and physical health. Mike beautifully explains why a search for meaning in the absence of God is meaningless itself, and why it’s only by finding our meaning in God that we will experience true and lasting joy. His thoughtful and compassionate approach makes this one of those rare books that’s perfect to give both your Christian and non-Christian friends! Highly recommended.”  

Natasha Crain, speaker, blogger, and author of three books including Talking with Your Kids about Jesus

“If you have ever struggled with depression, despair, and confusion, if you’ve ever questioned whether your life matters—or whether anything matters at all—this book is for you. From the crucible of personal experience, Michael Sherrard tells us how he and his family have dealt with soul-searing pain and how the presence of God provides hope and meaning in the face of the realities of living in a fallen world. Here is truth, hope, meaning, and a reminder of why it all matters.”

C. Ben Mitchell, PhD, Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University

“Does my life really have any meaning? If so, how do I find it? Even though our lives are busy, we all think about these questions. I am grateful that my friend Mike Sherrard has tackled these vital questions in Why You Matter. He pushes back against many of the cultural narratives today and looks to Jesus, and the biblical worldview, to find the ultimate answer. It shouldn’t surprise you, but his answer is yes. Whether Christian or not, read this book and find out why your life matters deeply.”

Sean McDowell, PhD, associate professor of apologetics at Biola University and author or coauthor of over eighteen books, including Evidence That Demands a Verdict

“Is there life that is unworthy of life? In this book, Mike Sherrard invites us to think deeply about one of life’s most fundamental and significant questions: Why does life matter? Throughout this book, he demonstrates that the only rationally and psychologically compelling answer is grounded in God. But this is not merely an academic exercise. Mike’s pastoral heart bursts through as he shows how our intrinsic value as God’s image-bearers spills over into every area of life. Identity. Love. Work. Racial justice. Sexuality. Struggles. No aspect of life is left untouched. In the end you will be able to declare with conviction, all lives matter and all of our life matters.”

Brett Kunkle, founder and president of MAVEN and coauthor of A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World

“Meaning is meant. It is intended and given by a mind. If there is a meaning to all of life, one that transcends my subjective desires or thoughts, then it can only be because a Mind gave it meaning. Everyone, from an atheist to a Christian, seeks happiness and meaning in life. And many find themselves failing to live the good life. This book suggests why you may not be experiencing a meaningful life and how you can experience joy even amid hardship. The author, transparent with his own life, walks us through how he’s found meaning through the good and the bad and shares how this is available—within our grasp—for everyone.”

Corey Miller, PhD, president of Ratio Christi and author of In Search of the Good Life: Through the Eyes of Aristotle, Maimonides, and Aquinas and Engaging with Mormons: Understanding Their World; Sharing Good News

“Dignity. Equality. Human value. We take these ideas for granted but find ourselves in a vast and dangerous experiment: Can we sustain these cultural goods while we, at the same time, reject their only Source? All around us, individuals are being sacrificed to various collective agendas not delivering what they promise. In this very important book, Mike deals with humanity’s most basic question, reveals why its pursuit seems so elusive to so many, and points to the only One who can offer an answer worth believing.”

John Stonestreet, president at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and coauthor of A Practical Guide to Culture

“Michael Sherrard engages the most pressing question of our day: Why do humans matter in the first place? That single question impacts everything from public policy to how we prepare for eternity. With so much at stake, it’s tragic so few of us take time to seriously ponder it. And that’s precisely what Sherrard invites us to do. Instead of plucking answers out of thin air, we need a plausible foundation for human dignity and human equality. Mike points us to the only one that works. His book is clear, thoughtful, and carefully argued. And it’s accessible. I’ve known Mike for years, both as a dear friend and a valued coapologist. This man truly lives out what he teaches. I’m overjoyed to enthusiastically commend his latest work to you!”

Scott Klusendorf, president of the Life Training Institute and author of The Case for Life

"In Why You Matter, Mike shows how your life has meaning, where that meaning comes from, and how to live meaningfully, even joyfully. In the waiting. In hardship. In worrisome times. This book isn't long, but it is challenging. Think of Mike as a friendly guide through the unpredictable wilderness of modern life to the glorious summit of God's truth."

Jeff Myers, PhD, president of Summit Ministries, from the book foreword


Michael Sherrard (MDiv, Luther Rice College and Seminary) is lead pastor at Crosspoint Community Church, speaker for the Life Training Institute, and faculty member at Summit Ministries. He speaks at churches, camps, and conferences, including the National Conference for Christian Apologetics, Summit Ministries, and the Clarkson Academy in Great Britain. He has also appeared on numerous television and radio programs, such as Fox & Friends and Moody Radio. Author of Relational Apologetics and contributing author to the Revised Student’s Apologetics Study Bible, Sherrard writes regularly on cultural, theological, and worldview issues in publications such as the Christian Research Journal and The Stream. He lives in Peachtree City, Georgia, with his wife, Terri Anna, and their five children.

Interested in setting up an interview with Michael?

For media requests, please contact Kelli Smith at Baker Publishing Group via email at ksmith@bakerpublishinggroup.com.

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